Whedonverse Swap |
The Chosen One (LTC #125)
I loved Buffy The Vampire Slayer. It was truly a guilty pleasure show for me. Joss Whedon is a ridiculously talented creator. I had this image lying in wait for a Whedonverse swap to pop up. A big thank you to Aiphid who lists the best swaps! I made the paper for this swap and then just couldn't resist putting the card in the little wood like paper bags I had laying around. I wasn't sure when they would ever come in handy, but sometimes all the elements just happen to be laying around and it was perfect for this. I carved a nice wooden stake for the outside of the bags and really enjoyed the end result. I wanted a quote for the back of the card because there were so many ridiculously awful and good lines in the show. This is not the one I chose but it seems fitting to add it to the blog simply for its beauty...
Passion…it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir, open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us… passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments; the joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we’d truly know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank… without passion, we’d truly be dead.
And how about a few more just for fun...
Don’t be ridiculous. Martha Stewart isn’t a demon. She’s a witch. Nobody could do that much decoupage without calling on the powers of darkness.
The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live.
[On humans] I guess I just realized how amazingly screwed up they all are. I mean, really, really screwed up, in a monumental fashion. And they have no purpose that unites them so they just drift around, blundering through life until they die… which they… they know is coming, yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. They’re incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other, which is clearly insane. And yet, here’s the thing – when it’s something that really matters, they fight. I mean, they’re lame morons for fighting, but they do. They never… never quit. So I guess I will keep fighting too.