Saturday, August 23, 2014

Movie Posters, Artificial Sun and Breast Cancer Awareness. (LTC's 103, 105 & 107)

Mod Swap

 HG Wells: The Invisible Man (LTC #105)

I originally carved Summer Memory for the Mod swap I joined but then I found this image and wanted to see if i could carve it. It came out perfectly. It'l like an itty bitty little movie poster. Since I had already carved Summer Memory I decided to have double the fun and make two cards. I enjoyed Invisible Man the most though. I've been on a poster kick ever since. I have a ton of concert posters, movie posters and design posters I want to carve.

Mod Swap

Summer Memory (LTC #107)

Based on art by Agnieszka Grochalska. We didn't have much of a summer here in Fairbanks, Alaska this I carved a summer instead. If you can't see the sunshine you might as well make a little.

Mod Swap Card by ~Miss Chievousness
Carve by ~Seattle Bound

Mod~ She Has Wings (LTC #103)

I carved this image in honor of an aunt of mine that survived breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. I wanted to remind her that she's beautiful. I couldn't create a card I liked though. Sometimes I think I get so close to an image and it becomes so intimate that I won't like it no matter what I do. Miss Chievousness asked me if she could give it a try. So here is the first of what I hope will be many collaborations. Earlier in the blog I featured our second collaboration. Hopefully soon there will be a third.

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