Saturday, August 23, 2014

She's Morphine, Queen of My Vaccine...(LTC #110)

Rock/Alternative Swap

Breezeblocks (LTC # 110)

I absolutely love to join song swaps. I love music as much as I love letterboxing so whenever I can combine the two I get excited. The last card I had made before this was the wild things card. This particular alternative song by AltJ has some of the words from that book intertwined in it. So I set out to find an image.
Please don't go, please don't go
I love you so, I love you so
Please don't go, please don't go
I love you so, I love you so
Please break my heart, 
The song is definitely a bit macabre so I wanted to find something beautiful to pair with the violence the song portrays. I absolutely fell in love with this picture. All I had was some crumbly pink to do the lettering, but the card just wasn't quite complete without it. I used a number of techniques to get the coloring I wanted along with bringing the bubbles to life. I loved the swap, the song, the card...all in all another top experience for me!

** I rarely do a card for no reason so 90% of the time there is information about the card on the clue page of Atlas Quest. The video is below...Rated R for violence, please use your judgement before watching.

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