Sunday, August 17, 2014

Some of my very favorite plants, a carve and a visit to SandD, some clue locale fun and now we have LTC's 31-42

A Tale Of Two Cities ( LTC #31)

Made for an oversized swap. This is based on artwork by Tara McPherson that she did for book "Kiki Strike" by Kirsten Miller. This is one of the funnest carves I have ever done. And if you ever find yourself by "Curiosities" it is also one of my all time favorite plants. 

 King Of Beasts (LTC #32)

In the Jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. 

Cioccolata Calda (LTC # 33) October 2009

I embossed this on paper that actually smelled like chocolate. Don't ask me what I paid for it. It was a ridiculous amount to spend on making an LTC. But it was for a chocolate swap and I was dying to have scratch and sniff paper. This stamp is also planted out in the universe in a heavenly place where you can get to die for chocolate creme brûlée. It is my most found box ever with over 129 finds. Apparently....if you bake it...they will come.

Arthur Rackham: Daisy Fairy (LTC # 34)

I made tea stained paper and played with water colors for this carve. Arthur Rackham has some fabulous art work out there for old fairytales but something about this image captured me.

 House Of Night: High Priestess (LTC # 36)

I'm skipping one here because I did a pop art series and I want to post them together.

This card was made for a swap based on the House Of Night series of books by PC Cast. I tea stained paper in 7 different colors trying to make up for a carve I couldn't stand. In the end I still didn't like the carve but the card itself was fun to make.

Movie Clue: Locale: Platform 9 3/4 (LTC #37)

I absolutely loved participating in the clue swaps. Now it's just one of my main goals to manage to get this planted in England. Drop me a line if you can make that happen!

 The Grey Fairy (LTC #39) Carved by S&D

Made from a postal stamp that I loved so much I asked if I could make a card. It's a very simple card but I didn't want to take away from her awesome carve.

 Dreaming of Strawberry Fields (LTC# 41)

When I was little I used to have nightmares all of the time (in fact I still do). My mother always blamed it on over active imagination. When I would wake up, she would hold and rock me. As I would start to drift off again she would whisper in my ear and tell me to dream of strawberry fields. I rarely ever had the same image in my head when imagining that place. But in the end, strawberry fields ended up becoming something beautiful for me, some place I could get away and relax. The most common imagery I would imagine was laying in a field of soft red flowers, the sky up above me and the sweet scent of strawberries all around me. When I came upon this image it transported me right back to that beautiful spot.

You Can Have Mine (LTC # 42)

Made for Thanksgiving complete with a recipe for Pumpkin Roulade. This was originally made to take with me to an event held by S&D. One of my favorite boxers to visit!

Valentines Clue: Location: Empire State Building

Made for a Valentines clue swap.What better locale than an homage to "when harry met Sally" at the Empire State Building.

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